Fate/Grand Order the mobile game

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So this Fate/Grand Order(FGO) has been out in North America(NA) server since June 25th 2017. 

So i have been grinding on this game for 3 and a half months now i found it to be quite enjoying.The game has many different servers such as China ,Korea and the original from Japan which is currently the longest server.

HERE are some ways to get started on the game:

There are 2 ways : 

No1 --> you could google search the latest apk version of the game and download it. or...

No2 --> you could download QooApp which sometimes is apk as well if you do not find it in your Playstore or Applestore.( I would highly recommend this way to download the game because you could update the game and not have to go through the hassle of uninstalling and reinstalling again each time the games update.)

My own thoughts of the game

It is pretty fun overall but a bit tad grindish as it has alot of events on line-up i personally started on JP(Japan) server to try things out before moving to NA(North America) to fully enjoy the game as it is only available in english in NA server . 

The battle system is quite enjoyable follow a certain set of rule like paper-scissors-stone concept on hero summon classes

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each hero summon also has skills which you could invoke depending on situations

The game overall has great mechanics to prevent the gameplay from being repetitive but the monsters that you face would most likely be the same as you go on collecting item drops from the specific monster for your hero ascension (upgrade) and hero skill upgrade ( each hero has 3 skills and each skill can be maxed caped at lvl 10).

There are also CE(Craft Essence) cards that you could equip to your party (team) to further enhance your teams battle potential and improve their stats such as below:
Image result for fgo powerful CE

The would appeal more to Fans of the Fate/Stay Franchise as the story in the game are very comprehensive and has abit of individual touch on each of the character hero that you could enjoy in the dialogues before battle.

My personally time in playing this game has been quite enjoyable with friends as the constant flow of events are there for me to participate and rare hero summons as rare collectibles. The game has a follow up gag comic that you could enjoy as well https://www.facebook.com/fgocomic/ and  .........

Manga de Wakaru! Fate/Grand Order

So thats it a brief introduction of the game from me Victeddy and stay tune for more of other stuff.

Bewarn thou~

This game's rate to get good hero summon are pretty random (RNG) all the time and it is a gacha mechanism which is similar to a slot machine , some people would take the p2w(paid to win) path but in this particular game there is not much of to win but more of collecting your favourite waifu's or husbando's. Me personally still sticking to f2p(free to play) and accept any hero's just as fine.


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