
Showing posts from December, 2021

Hi 2022 , GoodBye 2021

  It's been quite a journey transitioning into a new year , looking back in retrospect in 2021 where C19 pandemic hits I'm grateful for what I was able to accomplished so far , this blog has been a side passion project that I worked on during my free time and I'm awfully aware that it may have not been the most consistent but 1 of 2022 resolution is to dedicate a small push of consistency & discipline in my to churn out 1 post per week on this blog , to get healthier as well as to live well to contribute to others & leaving a small legacy impact. I would shifting my writing to personal thoughts , digital assets (NFTs) , Crypto-currency , Gaming & my love Manga . We all would have made plans & resolutions to stick to :  (PS: 🤞 hopefully it'll stick thru ) I would like to give a heartfelt gratitude of thanks to readers of this blog if there is someone out there ~ & Happy New Year 🥳